
My first blog post. Thank Heavens I have Corwin to set such a fine example of writing… and show me how to do it. Please comment when you get the chance to,  we love comments!

What an adventure!

After much internal debate about how long to make my posts, I realized that a short and long version would be best. Catch up quickly or hear about our lessons and thoughts in depth, it’s up to you.


I am staring out the front spaceship window of Glinda The Good RV Of The North, directly at Mt. Shasta. (See pictures). It is a magical place and we are happily snowed in for a few days here in Weed California. This entire project can be characterized by the word “delays,” followed by the word “miracles.” The short version example is that if things had not “gone the way they did” we would have missed the kids Christmas Pageant which was just about the most adorable thing I have ever seen. We also wouldn’t be here, parked in the best spot at “Friendly RV Park” (which lives up to it’s name) watching the sun shine off the 5 inches of snow and one of the most sacred dormant volcanos on earth. My loving Dad in California naturally tells us (of this “delay”), “As soon as you get here, THEN it’s Christmas. Just get here safely.”  You would all love my Dad.

Being here for a week, when we thought we would be here for a day, is turning in to a wonderful gratitude (and extra preventative maintenance) opportunity.  We are working to get the CDs on line, the DVD is apparently available. Tell us if you try to purchase and have any problems. At this point, tell us if you try to purchase so we can see if the money goes in to the account! Watch GreatSong.Com as it is developed further, all input and advice is welcome!

All is well and in good time. Longer version below.



LONG VERSION: (Extra long cause it’s the first one…I’ve been saving up)

Wow has this been an exercise in patience. The support and love of everyone at Unity In Lynnwood has been foundational. Everyone loves the CD (And DVD, when they work properly… another opportunity) which Richard and Matthew went out of the way in a busy season to help me produce. It is exactly what I have always dreamed of; a well done live concert captured professionally. For the first time in my life I have product I am proud of and thrilled to allow to go viral. (!) Plus after recovering from the mold poisoning, I appreciate the gifts God has given us more than I could have imagined. Thank you all.

I should start with the best miracle story. Our plans had been to start our journey soon enough to “escape” the weather, so as not to have my maiden voyage driving a 40 foot “bus” towing a car (RV’ers call them “toads”) be in difficult conditions. So much for that!

All of the “delays” in preventative maintenance efforts and making the CD and DVD as professional as possible kept pushing our dates further out. Yet here it is, Christmas eve, and I am sitting in a winter wonderland, constantly distracted by the 4 cone dormant volcano the Native Americans call Uytaahkoo; White Mountain.

For those of you who know my “eccentricities” you will be thrilled to hear that I am surrounded by the friendliest people, here in the small town of Weed, every single one of whom share my beliefs in our Galactic Family and don’t even batt a single eyelash at my “conspiracy analyses.”  It’s quite refreshing. People here think the “lenticular clouds” are really cloaked visitors. Then there are the lights in the sky that make right turns of course. So cool!

Back to the story. We were finally ready to go last Saturday, we had a fantastic bon voyage party here in Glinda, with three guitars, my elephant hand drum and a Didgereedoo!!  Corwin says he doesn’t think the video of our jam is as good as I remember, but I am going to post it on our youtube any way.

Saturday morning, we met with Sean (Guitar player at the concert) at PCC for breakfast nice and early, then went to drop off some DVD’s and CD’s at our old community of Songaia. I thought I would put them on a friends cold porch and scoot away, but I forgot Saturday was breakfast day. We got to visit with a lot of friends and were… yes you guessed the word… “delayed.” Corwin even disappeared   (to the play room) and I was very frustrated with him when it was time to go! I had plans! We were going!

As we drove out of Songaia, headed back to Lake Pleasant RV park, it started to snow. Corwin (sagely) said, “Hey dad, could this be a sign that we are not supposed to leave yet?” …He has been well trained to watch for such things.

I said, “It’s a sign that we are supposed to get out of here just in time!”  After all, I had looked at the weather on line. (Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!) I thought it was timed just right.

We get back to the Rig, already packed and start her up. As I am sitting in the chair just having started the engine, I get a text from my friend in Portland, very clearly telling me that there is an Ice Storm down there, and it is “not safe.”   Unable to ignore this, I decide to pray for guidance and walk to the office… leaving the rig running so her juices are flowing.

At the office there are four or five friendly RV people, and I check to see if I could stay in our lovely spot for a couple more days if necessary. They tell me I can and I tell them the story briefly, asking advice.

A woman in back says, “well, you know why you can stay a couple days? The person who was going to take your site couldn’t make it through Portland.”  At my laughter and exclamation that Angels were watching out for me and the message could not be any clearer, I got nods and smiles from everyone in the office.  If even a single delay had occurred a single minute later and that text had come in while we were on the road? We would have been stuck. You don’t just park this thing anywhere.

After that I readjusted plans and was able to take a particularly important component of my rig, the Hurricane Diesel heater to the factory guys in Vancouver on Tuesday for the proper maintenance.

When I called my favorite friend in Eugene  to tell him the change in plans from Saturday to Tuesday, he naturally told me that something had come up and he wouldn’t have been able to make it Saturday, and Tuesday was perfect! I got to see the River house after he had “jacked it up” four and a half feet (yes you can “jack up” a whole house. Who knew?) and see one of the finest people I know on the planet, Allen Shields.

Naturally, Sunday, the day after this “delay,” I had one of the best days of my life.

I had already said good bye to everyone in Lynwood and still stuck around for the pageant, so going there was out. I decided to get myself up super early, hop a ferry and visit my Unity family in North Kitsap. They have been hiring me and watching Corwin grow up for 15 years.

Well of course the service was awesome, the young piano player guest musician had a “feel” that was extraordinary, and naturally there was a special hospitality at beloved Carol’s house 4 doors away. I sold CD’s and DVD’s (gave away more), and Anna led the whole group at Carol’s in a blessing for safety and success that had me and many others in tears. That memory is burned in my mind. I feel that blessing as I write this.

Not to let the moment pass, I called Seattle Unity from the ferry line 20 minutes before service began, and was able to get the address of the group home one of my favorite ministers was in after having a stroke. For fans of the music, he is the one I mention that inspired Arch Angel Michael, Robbie Fahnstock.

After squeezing in some Pickle Ball and goodbyes (we play Sundays at Yost Park in Edmonds, right near the Ferry!) I went to Robbie’s group home, and he wasn’t there. As I stood there, about to sign a DVD and CD and leave it for him, guess what? He drove up! Or was driven up. It was wonderful to see him after a couple years, give him the recordings that he was mentioned in, and say a prayer.

It really was a spiritual gift of a day. All because of “delays.”

So we will be here in the presence of Uytaahkoo for Christmas and Corwin’s birthday the day after. It occurred to me that this will be the first Christmas I have spent with him in 10 years cause of the parenting plan. The sun is shining, Bella “made” me go outside in the snow to stand in the sunshine and watch her pee (this is a good thing) and we are snowed in and stocked up.

If any of the kids from Unity are reading this, I miss you most of all. I hope you watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” some time this season, and

Merry Christmas!

Love Kevin

Check out GreatSong.Com for links to our youtube and concert videos, or to buy a video online! CDs available soon.

Left top clockwise,

  1. Shasta at sunset (out our window), 2. Hand Painted Puma on  Glinda with Shasta 3.Name the Puma contest! Submit your ideas! 4. Snowy landscape 5. Glinda, Petey (the P.T Cruiser) and Corwin grooming Glinda, 6. Corwin the Hiker comes home.

I couldn’t help taking pictures of Shasta from our front window. Scroll down to see the “Changing Moods Of The Mountain” … not in chronological order! Arrived to blue skies.

img_0087img_0089img_0071img_0072img_0073img_0088Shasta at Sunsetimg_0067img_0068img_0069img_0078img_0079img_0081img_0083img_0084img_0074img_0075img_0076img_0077


  1. Good looking Blog starting in a winter pardise and going upward from here. Best of everything to you two… Travel safely. I so enjoy your DVD everyday now – playing on my 2nd Computer – and your CD in the car – that makes every trip a Joy Ride!


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